Xena Fanfiction

One day I was absently channel surfing, then whoa! What was that?! Two girls in a tub?!

otalia-27b.jpgI clicked back, and sure enough, there were two girls giving each other a bath on national (U.S.) television. That's when I realized that one of the women was that Lucy Lawless chick who just broke her ass on The Tonight Show. I was intrigued and watched the rest of the episode, which was absolutely campy, hilarious and tender. I later learned that episode was called, 'A Day In The Life'. Needless to say, I was hooked. I showed up week after week and then in 1997, I got a job with Internet access. I typed Xena into Netscape Navigator (remember that?) and I found all these fantastic Xena fanfiction stories! I'd never written a fan fiction story in my life, but I did like writing original fiction over the years. I thought, "Heck, I could do this," and my time in the Xenaverse (and as a fanfic writer) snowballed from there. Over the years people, like Lunacy, have told others about my tales so the stories kind of spread word of mouth, which has been great. I've collaborated with other bards as well as artists (Sunset, Ice & Snow) during that time.


I was on the Netforum at USA studios (nicknamed the Nutforum for those who members who remember) and I met a great group of women out there that we called 'Amazons' who became an improv writing group. I had a lot of fun with them as their 'Queen'. The reason I became Queen was because I pulled an Autolycus - I called myself the 'self-proclaimed' Queen of Subtext (not because I'm an egomaniac; I thought it sounded funny and goofy since I'm far from regal). A member named Zwolf would give their humorous take on upcoming episodes, but it was often missing 'the good stuff' (aka subtext moments). So I offered my take on all those subtexty times in the show (as well as my deep love for Gabrielle: 'I love Gabby. Have I mentioned that?'). Those posts became Subtext Reports I did each week. In fact, my parents had a satellite dish so I'd get up every Sunday morning at 7 AM to haul my butt to their house. I could watch the new episode and report on them before they were released that week via syndication around the nation. Subtexter and maintexter alike seemed to enjoy them and we had our fair share of heated debates out there.

Since I could get the eps early, TNovan and I planned a get-together in Columbus, Ohio to watch the last episode on that Sunday it aired. We were certain we'd finally get a genuine kiss between Xena and Gabrielle because it was such a 'maintext' season. Instead of being a celebration, the event turned into a wake since Tapert decided to 'off' his main character (Xena) and send the sidekick (Gabrielle) sailing home alone (Thank goodness Joss Whedon learned from Tapert's mistake and didn't off Buffy in some half-assed, plot hole riddled script. I'm not bitter. Not at all :). I guess I can take some comfort in the fact he didn't off Gabby too like he planned with Varia the amazon as the last one standing (~sigh~). Anyway...


I have to say (and many fans, rather than critics, agree), it was one of the worst series finale's in TV history. One of the hardest parts during the Ohio showing was trying to act rosy while knowing how it ended. After the airing, one of our guests later commented they'd never play poker with me and Novan since we never showed how bad the ending really was. I still remember turning off the TV to dead silence and then Novan saying, "We'll fix this! We'll fix this as fanfic writers, so don't worry." It was a moment of levity everyone in that room (and perhaps the world) needed. While I also 'fixed' it in my Bonding of Souls series, in truth, I never really wrote more after that (at least in the Xenaverse). Buffy and my virtual series Watchers took center stage for a few years.


People have asked if I'd ever come back to Xena, and while I'll never say never, I honestly don't know if I'd write Xena like I did years ago. I have done a Janice and Mel fic in the 2010's and I have my Sappho 'musical' tale that keeps the subtext sub that's currently in production. But who knows what the future holds. Maybe I'll get in a Xena writing spurt again. Like I said, I never say never.


With all that said... you can read about my journey through Xena fanfic in depth or simply jump to the images below - your choice! Enjoy!


Subtext Reports - Rather than try to list them all here. I created a page for them. So, if you'd like to 'walk down memory lane' and remember all those great moments that made Xena, well, Xena, you can. Keep in mind, these were all written 'on the fly' so there are errors abound. I left them as/is their postings as they appeared on the nutforum.

Series of five stories, starting with Homecoming and followed by Coming Home, Home Sweet Home, No Place Like Home and Home At Last.

Magic of Egypt and Magic of Paris feature the tale of Xena Scrolls' Mel and Janice learning about Xena and Gabrielle's lives while discovering each other.

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace - Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace was the first story I ever released. It was the second one that I wrote (see Homecoming above). I think Joxer is a great character with lousy scripts. I wanted to make Joxer the hero - someone who could be braver than Xena in fact. I also wanted to include many of the other Xenaverse characters. After seeing the Xena Scrolls I asked 'what was that battle between good and evil all about? and how DID Ares get stuck in that tomb?' And there you have it. My first 'first-time story'.

The Play - My next story was The Play. I love Salmoneus. The only Sal ep I saw at the time of writing this was Miss Amphipolis. When I saw the Herc eps and The Greater Good I almost fell out of my chair. I thought - People are going to think I copied this!! I just had more of a handle on Salmoneus than I realized. . .I just didn't know it (LOL). My goal was to write Sal as I saw him, but also to write the story as an episode - going a lot further too I should add (G). I knew the censors wouldn't let Xena and Gabby kiss unless it 'wasn't real' (for lack of a better word) so I figured a theater play would be the most perfect place to start. A story within a story within a story (yes you read that right) is incredibly difficult to write but folks said I pulled it off very well (G). And it's probably still one of my favorites today.

The Queen, the Regent, the Warrior - If Xena isn't the right woman for Gabby then who is? I couldn't help but see how Ephiny lit up in 'The Quest' when Gabby announced she was staying with the amazons. Only trouble was how did I get Xena out of the picture? Once I managed that I had a new problem - what would Xena do once she returned? After I managed that I wondered, how can I keep them all as friends? Like the old saying, if it's not one thing it's another (LOL). After I answered all these questions, my next fan fiction was born - The Queen, the Regent, the Warrior.

The Contest - People asked if I ever planned on doing a story of the Gods. I wanted to have the bickering siblings of Aphrodite and Ares taking on each other in a battle over the warrior princess. With that came The Contest. I should say of all the stories I wrote this is the one I think I fell flat on. If I knew why I could change it, but for some reason it just doesn't 'fit'... and I don't know why. People did enjoy it though and I think it does have some good scene but as a whole I don't consider it a 'shinning moment' in fanfic.

Loss of Virginity - Loss of Virginity was a short little tale. I wanted to do something ambiguous in the narration - Something the reader doesn't understand until the end. I think I succeeded with this tale. It's not as long on lust as many of my tales and it's a bit romantic and raw.

Moment of Truth - Moment of Truth came next. I wanted to be original. I wanted to be fresh. I copied someone else work (LOL). Not intentional mind you. I try to read as much fan fiction as I can and use premises other folks have not, but someone pointed out to me that it felt similar to another story on the web - I check it out and sure enough there it was (LOL). I don't mind though, I enjoyed this story because my premise was 'Would Xena turn away from battle to please her bard?' If you read the story you know the answer (G).

Thank the Gods For Henbane - Thank the Gods For Henbane is one of my favorite passionate, comedy pieces I've written. Gabrielle's henbane induced 'YOU . . .ARE. . . BEAUTIFUL!' was priceless. I figured after a few years on the road together and Xena would see her this time as a passionate woman and not a hero-worshiping teenager like years before. Let's face it... an intoxicated bard is always good for a laugh (G). Trust me, I've been around enough of them to know<G>.

As It Should Be - As It Should Be was written in 45 minutes. I wrote and wrote and wrote. Didn't even answer my phone when it rang! Why? Because the story just poured out of me. I wanted something loving and sensual and down right sexy. I wrote it for my friend Dexterus - the consort to me, 'The Queen of Subtext' in a little role playing group I belong to. After a flame war on the netforum our little amazon tribe was born (aka improv writing group) and Dex won my hand. As my gift for her well fought battle (G), I dedicated this story to her. I found out later that she was 'kinda' seeing someone at the time who wasn't sure about moving forward in their relationship. After this and the dedication, her better half figured she better make the jump or loose Dex to the 'Queen'. Although I considered Dex a friend, and not a romantic interest, I'm glad it was the push they needed and I'm happy to report they're still together. This tale is also is one of my favorites that I look back to now and then.

Family Ties - Family Ties started much like Magic of Egypt - one scene that I couldn't get out of my mind. It was meant as a short, subtle comedy but ended up being over 20 pages long (LOL). I loved the idea of a broken down Xena, crying for her mommy. I knew of only one man that Xena would ever 'bow' to - Gabby's dad. Not for his sake mind you. . .but for her bard. I liked exploring Gabrielle's relationship with her parents and the part that Xena played as well. I wrote this story before Xena's foot shuffling, toe digging, nervous to the core scene in 'A Family Affair'. After that fourth season ep, I patted myself on the back (LOL). Like 'The Play', I got it 'right'.

Dueling Cousins - Dueling Cousins came next. People were up in arms about rumors that subtext was dead and on and on. It happened from time to time (although season five was a washout 'subtextually'). It was also talked about that LL would be playing Sappho in season four (although the producers couldn't find a way to keep the subtext 'sub'). They didn't know. .but I did (G). I wanted Sappho to be a relative of the warrior - a rival of sorts she's had for years. Gabrielle's 'commitment' is suddenly the prize in their latest 'fight'. Once more I wanted to put Xena and Gabby in a do or die situation. Not the death of their actual lives but a death to the partnership. If a woman who looked like Xena and sounded like Xena had wanted her - what would Gabby do? This story is 'relationship' heavy and if anyone's every been in unrequited love they would surely understand this little tale much, much better.

The End - I hit a slump in my writing. Nothing about the rift inspired me to write and I found myself starting season four wondering if I'd ever write Xena fan fiction again. Then I saw Sin Trade and the crucifixion scene. I didn't know if they would use that scene in the series at the time, but I had to write my own story about it. Many folks said this was a real tear jerker for them to read. I simply called it The End.

Truth or Dare - I still wasn't up to writing too much but Tim Wellman asked me to write a story for his racy page (now defunked site called Callisto's Dirty Stories). I titled it Truth or Dare. He wanted someone to do something with the campfire scene from 'ANE'. I had my idea for a 'cutting room floor scene' from the ep and ran with it. I was reluctant because I never thought I could write Callisto but the fans who have strong heart rates and don't shy from erotica says I hit the nail on the head with this tale. Be warned. It's not for everyone and certainly not for those under 17 - maybe not even for those under 21. .

November 29th, 1942 - November 29th, 1942 was a little Janice and Mel story I couldn't get outta my head. Hard as nails Covington struck me as a real romantic gal once you won her heart. I played with the idea now and then and finally decided to put it on paper. As for the date - it's my dad's birthday (G).


March 29, 1943 - After 10 years away, the writing bug bit me to do a Xena fic in Spring of 2013. In the past year I had lost two very close friends of mine, both of whom I met thanks to the Xenaverse. I guess I started to feel a bit nostalgic and decided to do a smexy CN story that doesn't go too overboard on the gratuitous sex. LOL! This first venture back is a short Mel and Janice fanfic sequel to 'November 29, 1942'. It's Janice's birthday and I thought, "What could Mel do that would surprise Janice?" and this one had an appeal to me. If people like it, I might do a bit racier continuation of Janice's special birthday treat, but we'll see.

Inside Outside - Inside Outside was written after a friend posed the question 'If you think Xena and Gabby are now lovers in the series... when did it happen?'. I was still having a hard time writing and coming up with ideas. As a way of thanks, I dedicated this to her and her lover of 15 plus years. I wanted to have one situation scene through four sets of eyes. . . before the logical conclusion (or consummation - you pick the term (G)). I liked doing this first person present tense style which was new and very hard for me. It was a nice challenge and it was worth it to see how happy I had made my friends with a simple dedication (G).

Something To Talk About - I contacted TNovan after reading some of her Raising Melosa series stories on MaryD's site and ask if she'd like to work on a project. Not being pretension, I introduced myself and I was surprised to learn that the reason she started writing fan fiction was because she liked my work so much. Something To Talk About was the finished product. I liked the way this little tale turned out. Not so much a slap stick comedy or a high drama - it's a nice little yarn about Gabrielle and Xena trying to pull the wool over their friends eyes and finding love in the process. I just can't stay away from those first time stories (LOL).

Henbane, Horsenappings and Other Obstacles - People enjoyed it and wanted to know when we would write together again. Sometime later (season six) TNovan and I teamed up again to pen Henbane, Horsenappings and Other Obstacles. We wanted to do a 'murphy's law' comedy where everything that can go wrong for Xena and Gabby but, of course, in the end they save the day. Of the two pieces we did, I have to admit that HHAOO is my fav.

All That Matters - All That Matters was written more of a challenge than an idea (LOL). My amazon elder smeef (from my writing group), wanted me to put a story together with heart and real feeling, not sex. I think I managed it well. I liked the end of 'Takes One To Know One' with Gabrielle surrounded by her family. With little dialog and mostly Xena's thoughts of the bard, I thought this one was nice - smeef said it caused goosebumbs... and yes that was a compliment (G).

Warlord - Barry Marshall had an inventive idea for a story. What if Gabrielle was actually the one behind all the folks who influenced Xena's journey toward good? That was the making of Warlord. He asked if I'd be interested in writing with him and I was pleased that he asked and happy with the results. This story takes a lot of different twist and I consider it one of the more original pieces out there right now since the fan fiction market is so saturated with stories at this point (VBG).

Have Yourself a Merry Little Solstice - I wanted to do a Christmas tale that brought all the characters together. I had two versions in mind - one alt and one general. So instead of writing one or the other I wrote both. I enjoyed being able to bring the family of Xena and Gabrielle together and 'home for the holidays' in Have Yourself a Merry Little Solstice (alt or gen).

Little Moments: A Day in the Desert - This is a Janice and Mel story. I was going to make it a series, but my muse took me elsewhere and I haven't picked it up since. But that's okay. The story - one part is told through Mel's eyes and one through Janice's - stands just fine on it's own.

Candy or Chaos - I was asked by the merpup site to submit a story for Halloween contest. I don't think I won. I never heard back from them<LOL>. But readers got a kick out of it regardless. Since Xena and Gabby have faced some of the scariest things the world has ever seen, I went with funny instead and tried to 'homage' every Halloween ritual I could in Candy or Chaos.

Conquering Heroine - While not a super long story, Conquering Heroine was two years in the making and written by myself and Amy Wilson (aka Murphy). It turned out to be a great story. And no, Xena is not the Conqueror in this piece...it's Gabrielle. How do you ask? Well you'd have to read and find out <G>

Watching and Waiting - After the disaster that was FIN I and II, I didn't do much writing at all. In fact, this was actually the last Xena fanfiction I wrote for over 10 years. It's about Gabrielle getting on with her life and Xena making the move into her next lifetime.

The 10th Muse - Again, for over 10 years, I had this idea rattling around in my head. TPTB were going to do a Sappho ep in Season Four, with Xena having ANOTHER doppelganger, Sappho. They dropped the idea because they said they couldn't figure out how to keep the subtext sub. I didn't believe it at the time, but in hindsight, they probably couldn't figure out a way. After all, they killed Gabby in Season Three, but they didn't have a plan on how to bring her back. Yes, I watched the DVD commentaries where they admitted that. LOL! Anyway, in my version, it's not Xena who has the 'body double'. It's Gabrielle and her double is the woman who the real Plato called the 10th Muse (AKA Sappho). This 'episode' takes place in Season Six, rather than Season Four, since Sappho is mentioned in S6's 'Many Happy Returns', which is 30 years AFTER Season Four. Now keep in mind, much of Sappho's genuine writings praise Aphrodite... a lot. So I thought... What if 'The 10th Muse' was a musical competition (and not just a title Plato gave her). What if, during this competition, someone was out to hurt Sappho to stop her from winning since she's the odds on favorite. And what if, since Sappho adores Aphrodite, the goddess goes in search of Sappho's look-alike to keep her friend/worshiper safe. Now add another doppelganger who just HAPPENS to look like Xena, who also happens to be in a rocky relationship with Sappho, a Gabby look-alike, and who's also in her 'band'. The question then becomes can Xena and Gabrielle save the 10th Muse, but also repair the relationship of two women who look identical to them... and can they do it in a way so the audience isn't tipped off with a subtext that's too 'text'? I think it COULD HAVE been done and that's what this 'musical episode' is about. You'll have to let me know if I succeeded once it's finished and I do plan to finish....someday.

Conversations by Campfire - The next 'series' I did was Conversations by Campfire set during Season Four. I took parts of the episodes and worked them in, concentrating on the relationship between Xena and Gabby. Not my best episode series, but it was a humble start to a much better one called Changes of Heart, which I discuss further down. It does, however, feature some sexy scenes with Najara and Gabrielle as well as Gabrielle and Xena.

Changes of Heart - This 'story' comes in two series Changes of Heart and Bonding of Souls. Let's face it folks - season five sucked. The warmth and compassion and trust had gone out of Xena and Gabby's relationship. Changes of Heart takes off where the ep 'Motherhood' leaves off, with Gabby walking away from the warrior over the 'Gabchak'. It was also born out of the frustrations I was having with my (now ex) girlfriend at the time so if it seems very 'realistic and raw' at moments then that's why. Changes of Heart was meant to be my last Xena story. Disgusted with a chakram upside Gabby's head in the Season Five ender, I decided I was done. And so was the bard in my story. When Barry Marshall, my UFFD pal, read it his first response was 'there will be a sequel, right?' <LOL>. He wasn't the only one to ask. Lots of people read it and loved it. It wasn't so much my writing ability, but the fact they liked seeing the bard's 'mad as hell and not gonna take it' attitude. So I wrote a 'season' - 24 stories - that deals with Xena and Gabrielle's break up and reconciliation. In fact, people said they tuned back into season six who didn't plan to because my story helped fill in the blanks. No thanks needed Mr. Tapert<G>.

Bonding of Souls - Bonding of Souls picks up where COH ends with Xena and Gabby back together. Each 'episode' is an expansion of the episodes of Season Six. Tapert gave me great material to work with in season six...well except for that suck ending - and no, I don't mind Xena being killed in the series end, to a point. I do, however, mind a script littered with plot holes and ridiculous reasoning. But Tapert did get his place in television history...the most hated ending ever.

Myself and the late Xena bard Tonya Muir did a little novelette called 1971. She was a wonderful new bard to the Xenaverse back in 1998 and her descriptive powers blow me away. (She passed away in Jan. 2001 after a battle with cancer.) I'm more of a plot and dialog person myself - so she seemed like the perfect one to 'spiff' it up. About a month into the project she said she wasn't feeling well and two weeks later she told me she'd been diagnosed. Automatically I told her she wasn't bound to working on the project but she insisted on looking it over and lending her descriptive talents. The Xenaverse lost a great bard and an even better person. As for the story itself... before Gabby's trip to India (Heck before the fourth season), I wondered what two uber characters would Xena and Gabrielle be in modern times. My first thought - a cop and a hippy in the early seventies. Both characters fight for the greater good - both go about it differently much like Xena and Gabby.


One Belief Away, the story in novel form, was totally reworked with the same main characters, Officer Carol Johnson and Radical Erin O'Fallon, with a bit of a harder edge to reflect the time period. It was released in full length novel form by Baycrest Books under the title 'One Belief Away'. The name was changed because the year changed and another 100+ pages were added. I don't want people thinking they're purchasing the same story only to ask, 'What the heck is this?'. Is it still a good story? Yeah, it is... the road to happiness is just a way bit harder for Carol and Erin in this one and although it's not in print you might be able to find it on Amazon.

Irrefutable Evidence was a novel I wrote years before Xena that I dusted off and decided to publish as an uber since the story and characters sounded so much like an uber story. I had to rewrite it a bit but I put it out there for fans to see. It's the adventures of a police detective, Denise VanCook, and her witness, Sara Langforth, whom she's trying to protect to testify at a murder trial. Always being a big 'Cagney and Lacey' fan, I had to write a 'cop story' which is one of the reasons Denise's partner, Angie Michaels, is also a key player in the story. This one is also out of print but there could be copies on Amazon.

Contractor for Hire is the story of building contractor Karen Riggs and national lesbian magazine publisher Melissa (Mel) Wright with the pitfalls and passions of falling in love. Again, check out Amazon if you'd like a copy of this out of print book.

Xena Tales


Subtext Reports

Check out all the 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge' moments.



Homecoming Series

Five stories of Xena and Gab juggling love and family.



The 'Magic of...' Series

Janice and Mel adventures told in two tales Magic of Egypt and Magic of Paris.



Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

How DID Ares get stuck in that tomb in the 'Xena Scrolls'?



The Play

Xena and Gab are forced to become actresses to save Sal from a tyrant king.



The Queen, the Regent, the Warrior

If Xena isn't the right woman for Gabby, Ephiny perhaps?



The Contest

The bickering siblings of Aphrodite and Ares battle over Xena's spirit..



Loss of Virginity

Ambiguous in the narration, it's a short tale that's a bit romantic and raw.


Moment of Truth

Gab does anything to keep Xena from a battle foretold to take her life.




Thank the Gods for Henbane

Gabrielle loses her inhablitions after a few laced treats at the amazon festival.



As It Should Be

Loving and sensual and down right sexy tale of an Amazon Queen and her Consort.



Family Ties

Gab returns home, with Xena in tow, to visit her family.



Dueling Cousins

Sappho, Xena's doppelganger, makes a play for the bard.



The End

Tale written upon seeing the season 4 cruxifiction teaser.



Truth or Dare

NC-17 Callisto / Gabby story set during the truth or dare game.




November 29, 1942

Janice forgot Mel's birthday...or did she?



March 26, 1943

Sequel to November 29th, 1942 with Mel doing something special for Janice's B-Day.



Inside Out

Gabby's folks watch Xena and Gabrielle outside at the end of S4 Family Affair.



Something to Talk About

Penned w/ TNovan, the Herc/Xenaverse are convinced X/G are a pair.



Henbane, Horsenappings & Other Obstacles

Penned with TNovan, a 'murphy's law' comedy's featuring Virgil, Eve and the Xena gang.



All That Matters

Xena's musings as she watches Gab at the S4 Surprise Party at the inn.





What if Gabrielle was the one who influenced Xena's journey toward good?



Day in the Desert

Mel and Jan tale told from each of their prespectives.



Candy or Chaos

'Classic Xena' general Halloween tale of Xena & Gabby returning to the Potiedaia Harvest Festival.




Conquering Heroine

Penned with Murphy(Amy), Gab's the Conqueror thanks to Ares meddling.



Watching and Waiting

Set after FIN II, Xena watches from afar as Gabrielle moves on with her life.



Have Yourself a Merry Little Solstice

Winter Solstice tale in gen (friends) or alt (lovers).



Conversations by Campfire Series

Set during S4, Xena explores the subject of Najara, Gab and their future.



Changes of Heart Series

After S5's Gab-Chak, Gab leaves Xena and Eve, who learn about Eve's conception.



Bonding of Souls

Picks up after 'Changes of Heart' with the duo together & each tale an expansion of S6 episodes.



The 10th Muse

Gab's Doppelganger, and Dite's friend, the Poetess Sappho, needs a bodyguard at a musical competition.



Coming Soon

Watch this space.



Coming Soon

Watch this space.